One of the very important missions of the Chair is the standardization of glass powder as a cementitious material. Thanks mainly to the research results and tests of the Chair, the CSA A3000 standard standardized glass powder (CSA A3001) in December 2018. The holder of the Chair participated extensively in the implementation of the American ASTM standard. ASTM recognized glass powder as a cementitious material in December 2019. The new Chair is currently working on the standardization of glass powder in the CSA concrete standard (A23) and the Quebec standard (BNQ).
The technological transfer of previously obtained research results will be decisive for the future of glass in concrete. Studies carried out during the last three chairs have shown that glass has certain interesting characteristics for industrial use: for example, longer-term pozzolanic behavior and good durability. Numerous demonstration projects, both with the SAQ and with other partners such as the City of Montreal, have enabled the standardization of glass powder in the CSA standard (CSA A3000). There is a need to continue this popularization among the industry and project owners by helping them to use the CSA standard.
This technological transfer will take place in two forms:​
1-Carrying out demonstration projects;
2-Organization of seminars, workshops and conferences.